Sugared Almonds

S. Beaty-Pownall, The "Queen" cookery books. No.7 Sweets. Part II. (London: Horace Cox, 1904)

Home Studies Collection, Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections

Blanche and dry the almonds well; put a small piece of butter in a pan, say a full ounce for the 1lb. of nuts, with for this quality, a good dessert spoonful of powdered sugar, and lastly add the almonds; set the pan into the oven and keep them stirred now and again lest they should burn. When crisp and of a golden brown they are done.

Devilled and Salted Almonds are made in the same way, only substituting Cayenne or Nepaul pepper or salt for the sugar. All kinds of nuts may be prepared by these directions.